Sunday, November 10, 2013

Porse - Blog No. 2

Toys that Support Children’s Play
“Play is the brains favourite way of learning.” (Diane Ackerman)
As a parent you know that play is important to your child's development. Your child is born with a desire to explore, discover and learn and play is how children do these things.  Researchers define play as activity that is, pleasurable, spontaneous, and voluntary, contains some aspect of pretending and has no extrinsic goals. Children learn through exploring and engaging with items and objects they discover in their world.  These items and objects are often toys.
Many toys on the market encourage passive entertainment rather than active play, for example ‘high-tech toys’, encourage children to push a button and they are entertained, rather than engaging a child in playing. This category includes TV, videos and computer games.   While entertainment has its place, it is important to know these toys and activities are not engaging children in play because the child is not an active participant in the experience.
The design of a toy defines the range of activity and determines how children will be interacted with. To support learning through play, look for toys that respond to your child's interests, are fun, provide opportunities to be spontaneous, allow choice and engage their imagination.  Unstructured play resources for example, multi-purpose toys, such as blocks, dress ups and pegs, will encourage your child to develop their imagination and independence. Make play a part of your child's daily life.
The following information gives you some ideas when choosing toys for:
Zero to four months
Newborns are busy learning where they begin and Mummy ends.
·       A safe floor space is a great play resource for a newborn
·       A parent or caregiver’s face is one of the best play resources.
Sociable, loving and physically responsive interactions with you or an educator/caregiver.
This is where they can get to know their hands, feet and body, build a nurturing relationship and they begin to know their place in the world.
Four months to 18 months
Infants are starting to move and work on the mid-brain development, which controls motor skills.
·       A safe floor space with resources which children can grasp, touch and move.   For example balls, soft blocks, a nest of wooden bowls, wooden rattles, wooden blocks, small cloth dolls, partially inflated beach balls and fabric napkins.
·       A safe seated space (once they can sit) where they can interact with an object.  For example a swing, low seat or tri pillow.  They can interact with soft books or objects they can reach for and move.
One to three years
Toddlers start to develop coordination and are interested in touch and texture.
·       Objects they can put inside another. At around a year old children enjoy doing this, for example boxes with lids, a trolley they can place things in or a bucket to put sand in.
·       Everyday learning opportunities.  By the age of two, children are making sense of their world through role play.  For example you can give them chores suitable for their age, involve them in making their lunch and choosing their clothes.
·       Dress up, allow children to role play, practise stills and use their imagination.  You can include scarves, hats and pieces of fabric.
This is where they can expand their roles in the world, and use fantasy and imagination. So stimulate their imagination, with toys such as a small sized household objects and dress up.  Children want to join in with you and you could be surprised how capable they are.
Three to five years
Young children are developing control of large muscles (gross motor skills) so lots of running, jumping and rolling is great for their brain development. 
·       An outdoor space, with balls, a swing, hoola hoops, bubbles or pinecones. These items can be used to invent games, construct and learn about how their body works.
·       Empty boxes which can be used in construction as jumps or as a surface for art to be added.
·       Art supplies are great at this age as young children enjoy painting, gluing, sculpting and constructing which all encourages motor skills, imagination and creativity.   You could have non-toxic paint, paint brushes, paper, play dough, non-toxic glue and college materials.
Young children like to make choices and decisions about their place, so you can give them choices, for example a range of paint colours for their art.  Do limit the range as they can also be overwhelmed with too many choices.
A general rule to remember when choosing toys which encourage play:
”when a toy is passive the child is active”
Supplied by PORSE In-Home Childcare.
For information on childcare, training or work call PORSE on 0800 023 456 or visit

Porse - Sponsors blog post

Why PORSE In-Home Childcare and Education?

When your family chooses in-home childcare and education, you offer your child an opportunity to have the best start in life. 
In-home childcare and education through PORSE offers your child an alternative to the stress, noise, age-separation, schedules, and staff turnover of a centre.

Research consistently shows us that children who have secure and loving relationships with consistent caregivers in a relaxed and settled environment do best.  While each child is different, recent studies show that children in childcare centres experience heightened stress levels in large groups of children and when they are with unfamiliar or changing caregivers.

Infant brain development and attachment repeatedly tell us that the QUALITY of the relationship they have with their caregivers is the most important thing.

Through PORSE in-home childcare and education your child receives:

Consistency and commitment to you and your child
At PORSE we offer a consistent and committed educator who is able to respond to your child's needs and routine not the needs of running a busy daycare centre.

Safety and security in a settled home environment
PORSE In-home childcare and education is provided in a safe home environment that enables familiarity and stability while using natural play and exploration and the community as a learning playground.

Low ratios of care
PORSE In-home childcare and education provides a maximum of FOUR children in the home which means high levels of personal attention, knowledge and interaction, with less exposure to illness.

Flexibility and responsiveness
PORSE In-home childcare fits with what you want for your child - you choose a caregiver who fits both your child’s needs and your family values, and at PORSE we're flexible around the hours of care you require.

A lifetime of quality relationships
The quality of the relationships we have in our early years are one of the key features that influence us for the rest of our lives - our sense of ourselves and our relationships with others. PORSE is providing a service solution to reach, immerse and support adults raise the next generation of responsible, resilient, competent and contributing members of society.

The best start for learning and developing
PORSE In-home childcare and education through a settled home environment is crucial for unfolding a child's full potential during the critical stages of early brain development. PORSE has returned the responsibilities of nurturing young children back into the hands of family and home.

Employment and professional development
PORSE has established career pathways for educators and parents to develop child focused attitudes, skills and knowledge that will nurture young children for the best start in life.

We're strong on professional development and our in-home programmes support adults learn more about themselves, attachment relationships and how to nurture children during the most important years of play, learning and development.  With the support of PORSE staff, educators work with the family to plan and deliver a programme around each child’s interests, stage of development and care routines. 
Your child's programme will reflect the values and expectations of your family and support their individual learning style, care needs, routines and play.

PORSE organises a variety of activities using the community as our third teacher.  Activities promote friendship and fun, role modelling, observation, reflection of practices, confidence and sharing of information, resources and knowledge. Parents are welcome to attend all organised activities.
For more information on PORSE In-Home Childcare call 0800 023 456 or visit

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Palmerston North workshops in May

The original Nappy Lady - waste free parenting workshops.

Taken by: The Nappy Lady - Kate Meads.

Want Free Nappies? Come along to one of the Nappy Lady 
workshops and learn all about your nappy options and how you can save lots of money.

The best news... you will get to take home a $60 pack of cloth nappies for free from the Nappy Lady and The Palmerston North Council.

At the Nappy workshop The Nappy Lady will:
- Give you costings of Disposable vs Cloth nappies
- Show the environmental impact of both
- show the styles of cloth nappy styles available
- Give you lots of tips and advice on washing
- And advice on choosing and using cloth nappies

Cost: $20.00 per household (babies, partners and mums & grandmas included)

You are welcome to bring along your babies if they are breast feeding to the workshop and your partner, or perhaps your mum.

To Book:

Email 'The Nappy Lady' or call (027) 22 11 242 for more information.

Event held in the The Sound and Vision Zone.

Porirua Nappy Lady Workshop 2013

Porirua Nappy Lady Workshop

Taken by:
The Nappy Lady - Kate Meads
Want Free Nappies???

Come along to one of the Nappy Lady workshops and learn all about your nappy options and how you can save lots of money.

The best news... you will get to take home a trial pack of cloth nappies for free!

At the Nappy workshop The Nappy Lady will:
- Give you costings of Disposable vs Cloth nappies
- Show the environmental impact of both
- show the styles of cloth nappy styles available
- Give you lots of tips and advice on washing
- And advice on choosing and using cloth nappies

Bookings: Please register your interest on my website

Dates for 2013:

Thursday 16th May 2013 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm

Cannons Creek School Hall
16 Cobham Court

Email 'The Nappy Lady' or call (027) 22 11 242 for more information.

You are welcome to bring along your babies if they are breast feeding to the workshop. But please be mindful if they are crying or upset that there are a lot of other people at the workshop so you will need to take them out and settle them and then come back in.

Cloth Nappy Week - Tauranga Coffee Group

Lots of Prizes, Lots of Free Nappies, Everyone Welcome!

Come and join The Nappy Lady and her team of Cloth Nappy Avengers and be in to win some fantastic prizes including Cloth Nappies!

Join us for:

The mum’s secret Cloth Nappy Hunt
‘It’s in the Bag’ Nappy Game
A Prize Draw for your event only
Question time with The Nappy Lady
Lots of fun and laughs
Plus much more....

Date and Venue:
Thursday 11th April 2013
10:30am - 11:30pm

Grindz Cafe
1st Ave

Queenstown Cloth Nappy Week Finale

Lots of Prizes, Lots of Free Nappies, Everyone Welcome!
Come and join The Nappy Lady and her team of Cloth Nappy Avengers and be in to win some fantastic prizes including Cloth Nappies!

Join us for:

The mum’s secret Cloth Nappy Hunt
‘It’s in the Bag’ Nappy Game
A Prize Draw for your event only
Question time with The Nappy Lady
Lots of fun and laughs
Plus much more....

Date and Venue:
Wednesday 10th April 2013
12pm - 2pm

Stanley Street

Dunedin Coffee Group for Cloth Nappy Week

Lots of Prizes, Lots of Free Nappies, Everyone Welcome!
Come and join The Nappy Lady and her team of Cloth Nappy Avengers and be in to win some fantastic prizes including Cloth Nappies!

Join us for:

The mum’s secret Cloth Nappy Hunt
‘It’s in the Bag’ Nappy Game
A Prize Draw for your event only
Question time with The Nappy Lady
Lots of fun and laughs
Plus much more....

Date and Venue:
Tuesday 9 April 2013
10am - 11am

Parents Centre
155 Kenmure Road

Timaru Cloth Nappy Week afternoon Tea

Lots of Prizes, Lots of Free Nappies, Everyone Welcome!

Come and join The Nappy Lady and her team of Cloth Nappy Avengers and be in to win some fantastic prizes including Cloth Nappies!

Join us for:

The mum’s secret Cloth Nappy Hunt
‘It’s in the Bag’ Nappy Game
A Prize Draw for your event only
Question time with The Nappy Lady
Lots of fun and laughs
Plus much more....

Date and Venue:
Monday 8 April 2013
2.00pm – 3.00pm

Parents Centre
9 Napier Street

Selwyn District Nappy Lady Workshop

Selwyn District Nappy Lady Workshops

Taken by:
The Nappy Lady - Kate Meads

Want Free Nappies???

Come along to one of the Nappy Lady workshops and learn all about your nappy options and how you can save lots of money.

The best will get to take home a trial pack of cloth nappies worth $100 for free from the Nappy Lady and the Selwyn Council

At the Nappy workshop The Nappy Lady will:
- Give you costings of Disposable vs Cloth nappies
- Show the environmental impact of both
- show the styles of cloth nappy styles available
- Give you lots of tips and advice on washing
- And advice on choosing and using cloth nappies

There are limited spaces of 40 for this workshop so don't miss out and book today.

Cost: $25 per couple or parent attending on their own.

To Book: Bookings are essential so please contact Gavin Sole via email: to book your space

Dates and Venues for 2013:

Monday 8th April - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Rolleston Community Centre
94 Rolleston Drive

The small print: You must be a Selwyn District resident and be able to show proof of your address.

Christchurch Cake night - Cloth Nappy Week

Lots of Prizes, Lots of Free Nappies, Everyone Welcome!

Come and join The Nappy Lady and her team of Cloth Nappy Avengers and be in to win some fantastic prizes including Cloth Nappies!

Parents Center are providing dessert which we encourage you to bring some cash along to purchase a piece of cake or something yummy as a fundraiser on the night. Everyone needs Cake!!!!

Join us for:

The mum’s secret Cloth Nappy Hunt
‘It’s in the Bag’ Nappy Game
A Prize Draw for your event only
Question time with The Nappy Lady
Lots of fun and laughs
Plus much more....

Date and Venue:

Sunday 7 April 2013
7.00pm – 8.30pm

Parents Centre
2/2 Leacroft Street, Bishopdale

Blenheim Dessert Night - Cloth Nappy Week Gathering

Lots of Prizes, Lots of Free Nappies,
Everyone Welcome!

Come and join The Nappy Lady and her team of Cloth
Nappy Avengers and be in to win some fantastic prizes
including Cloth Nappies!

Join us for:
The mum’s secret Cloth Nappy Hunt
‘It’s in the Bag’ Nappy Game
A Prize Draw for your event only
Question time with The Nappy Lady
Lots of fun and laughs
Plus much more....

Date and Venue:
Saturday 6 April 2013
7.30pm – 8.30pm

AOG Church, 22 Nelson Street, Blenheim

Bring a plate to share for supper.

Lower Hutt Cloth Nappy Week event and Workshop

Want to try Cloth Nappies?

The Nappy Lady is coming to Lower Hutt during Cloth Nappy Week

Come along to one of the Nappy Lady workshops and learn all about your nappy options and how you can save lots of money.

The best news... you will get to take home a Cloth Nappy trial pack for just $5 from the Nappy Lady and your local council.

At the Nappy workshop The Nappy Lady will:
- Give you costings of Disposable vs Cloth nappies
- Show the environmental impact of both
- show the styles of cloth nappy styles available
- Give you lots of tips and advice on washing
- And advice on choosing and using cloth nappies

Cost: $5 for a cloth nappy trial pack

Please note if you have already been to a workshop and received your free nappy, you will not be eligible for another nappy pack. However you are welcome to come along to the workshop and be in to win the prizes from the Cloth Nappy Week Team.

To Book:

Email 'The Nappy Lady' or call (027) 22 11 242 for more information.

You are welcome to bring along your babies if they are breast feeding to the workshop. But please be mindful if they are crying or upset that there are a lot of other people at the workshop so you will need to take them out and settle them and then come back in.

Wellington City Cloth Nappy Week Coffee Group

Lots of Prizes, Lots of Free Nappies, Everyone Welcome!
Come and join The Nappy Lady and her team of Cloth Nappy Avengers and be in to win some fantastic prizes including Cloth Nappies!

Join us for:

The mum’s secret Cloth Nappy Hunt
‘It’s in the Bag’ Nappy Game
A Prize Draw for your event only
Question time with The Nappy Lady
Lots of fun and laughs
Plus much more....

Date and Venue:

Friday 5 April 2013

The Southern Cross, 39 Able Smith St, Te Aro, Wellington

Book in and join us for dinner need to book your own table if you are staying for dinner, but ask to be close to us.

Cloth Nappy Week in Palmerston North

Lots of Prizes, Lots of Free Nappies, Everyone Welcome!

Come and join The Nappy Lady and her team of Cloth Nappy Avengers and be in to win some fantastic prizes including Cloth Nappies!

Join us for:
The mum’s secret Cloth Nappy Hunt
‘It’s in the Bag’ Nappy Game
A Prize Draw for your event only
Question time with The Nappy Lady
Lots of fun and laughs
Plus much more....

Date and Venue:
Friday 5 April 2013
1.00pm – 2.00pm

Robert Harris,
88 The Square
Palmerston North

Hamilton Dessert Evening for Cloth Nappy Week

Lots of Prizes, Lots of Free Nappies, Everyone Welcome!
Come and join The Nappy Lady and her team of Cloth Nappy Avengers and be in to win some fantastic prizes including Cloth Nappies!

Join us for:

The mum’s secret Cloth Nappy Hunt
‘It’s in the Bag’ Nappy Game
A Prize Draw for your event only
Question time with The Nappy Lady
Lots of fun and laughs
Plus much more....

Date and Venue:
Wednesday 3 April 2013
7.00pm – 8.30pm

Parents Place
Hamilton East

Bring a dessert to share with everyone!

Hamilton Nappy Workshop During Cloth Nappy Week

The original Nappy Lady - waste free parenting workshops.

Taken by: The Nappy Lady - Kate Meads.

Want Free Nappies? Come along to one of the Nappy Lady workshops and learn all about your nappy options and how you can save lots of money.

The best news... you will get to take home a $50 pack of cloth nappies for free from the Nappy Lady and Hamilton Council.

At the Nappy workshop The Nappy Lady will:
- Give you costings of Disposable vs Cloth nappies
- Show the environmental impact of both
- show the styles of cloth nappy styles available
- Give you lots of tips and advice on washing
- And advice on choosing and using cloth nappies

Cost: $20.00 per household (babies, partners and mums & grandmas included)

TO BOOK: (Spaces are Limited)

Email 'The Nappy Lady' or call (027) 22 11 242 for more information.

You are welcome to bring along your babies if they are breast feeding to the workshop and your partner, or perhaps your mum.

Mangere Bridge - Cloth Nappy Week workshop

Cloth Nappy Week - Nappy Morning

Come along to our coffee group and see lots of different cloth options and find out how you can save lots of money.

The best news... you will get to take home a cloth nappy for free from the Nappy Lady and your local council.

There are limited nappies for us to give away so make sure you get there on time so you don't miss out!

At the Coffee Group The Nappy Lady will:
- Give you costings of disposable vs cloth nappies
- Show the environmental impact of both
- Have lots of samples available for you to look at

Plus as part of the Cloth Nappy Week promotions, there will lots of prizes up for grabs including:

A Lascal Maxi Buggy Board worth $169
Soap Nut Packs
Mustella Products
Nappy Liners
Cloth Nappies and loads more

Date and Venue:

Wednesday 3 April 2013
10.30pm – 12.00pm


Mangere Education Centre
Donald Street
Mangere Bridge, Auckland

Auckland - New Lynn Nappy Lady Workshop

Come along to one of the Nappy Lady workshops and learn all about your nappy options and how you can save lots of money.

The best news... you will get to take home a $100 pack of cloth nappies for free!

At the Nappy workshop The Nappy Lady will:
- Give you costings of Disposable vs Cloth nappies
- Show the environmental impact of both
- show the styles of cloth nappy styles available
- Give you lots of tips and advice on washing
- And advice on choosing and using cloth nappies

Cost: $20.00 For an Individual or a couple - Includes 1 x Trial Pack Valued at $100

Venue: New Lynn

New Lynn Community Centre - Active Recreation Hall
45 Totora Avenue
New Lynn


Please note that if you book through Event Finder there is a $2 booking fee for your credit card. If you would prefer to buy using online banking,

....Book through my website here:

follow the directions for payment. Once the payment shows in my account, I will send you out a ticket to bring along.

Email 'The Nappy Lady' or call (027) 22 11 242 for more information.

You are welcome to bring along your babies if they are breast feeding to the workshop. But please be mindful if they are crying or upset that there are a lot of other people at the workshop so you will need to take them out and settle them and then come back in.

Cloth Nappy Week Coffee Group - North Shore

Lots of Prizes, Lots of Free Nappies, Everyone Welcome!

Come and join The Nappy Lady and her team of Cloth Nappy Avengers and be in to win some fantastic prizes including Cloth Nappies!

Join us for:
The mum’s secret Cloth Nappy Hunt
‘It’s in the Bag’ Nappy Game
A Prize Draw for your event only
Question time with The Nappy Lady
Lots of fun and laughs
Plus much more....

Date and Venue:
Tuesday 2 April 2013
1.00pm – 2.00pm

Cafe Windsor, Windsor Park
542 East Coast Rd, North Shore

Cloth Nappy Week Workshop - Warkworth

Come along to one of the Nappy Lady workshops and learn all about your nappy options and how you can save lots of money.

The best news... you will get to take home a $100 pack of cloth nappies for free!

At the Nappy workshop The Nappy Lady will:
- Give you costings of Disposable vs Cloth nappies
- Show the environmental impact of both
- show the styles of cloth nappy styles available
- Give you lots of tips and advice on washing
- And advice on choosing and using cloth nappies

Cost: $20.00 For an Individual or a couple - Includes 1 x Trial Pack Valued at $100

Venue: Warkworth
Catholic Church
Alnwick Street


Please note that if you book through Event Finder there is a $2 booking fee for your credit card. If you would prefer to buy using online banking,

....Book through my website here:

follow the directions for payment. Once the payment shows in my account, I will send you out a ticket to bring along.

Email 'The Nappy Lady' or call (027) 22 11 242 for more information.

You are welcome to bring along your babies if they are breast feeding to the workshop. But please be mindful if they are crying or upset that there are a lot of other people at the workshop so you will need to take them out and settle them and then come back in.

Cloth Nappy Week - Whangarei Coffee Group

The Cloth Nappy Week team is off on tour again which means

Lots of Prizes, Lots of Free Nappies, Everyone Welcome!

Come and join The Nappy Lady and her team of Cloth Nappy Avengers and be in to win some fantastic prizes including Cloth Nappies!

Join us for:

The mum’s secret Cloth Nappy Hunt
‘It’s in the Bag’ Nappy Game
A Prize Draw for your event only
Question time with The Nappy Lady
Lots of fun and laughs
Plus much more....

Monday 1 April 2013
4.00pm – 5.00pm

Parents Centre
13 Te Mai Road, Horahora

Please print this poster and distribute far and wide!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Nappy lady Workshop list

The Nappy Lady is Coming to a Town Near You

Come along to one of the Nappy Lady workshops and learn all about your cloth nappy options.

At the Nappy workshop The Nappy Lady will:

- Give you costings of Disposable vs Cloth nappies
- Show the environmental impact of both
- show the styles of cloth nappy styles available
- Give you lots of tips and advice on washing
- And advice on choosing and using cloth nappies

Auckland Nappy Lady Workshops

Dates for 2013:

Manukau - Thursday 21 February, 7:30pm – 9:30pm (Supper Provided by Parents Centre in Manukau)


$25.00 - Individual, Includes 1 Trial Pack valued at $100 and Supper for 1

$30.00 - Couple, includes 1 Trial Pack valued at $100 and Supper for 2

Venue:   Manukau City

Taha Wahia-Woodside
68 Everglade Drive
Manukau City CBD

Devonport - Saturday 23 February, 12:00pm – 2:00pm


$20.00 - Individual or couple - Includes 1 x Trial Pack Valued at $100

Venue:      Devonport

Devonport Community House
32 Clarence Street

Warkworth - Tuesday 2nd April, 9:00am – 11:00am


$20.00 - Individual or couple - Includes 1 x Trial Pack Valued at $100

Venue:      Warkworth

Catholic Church
Alnwick Street

New Lynn - Tuesday 2nd April, 6:00pm – 8:00pm


$20.00 - Individual or couple - Includes 1 x Trial Pack Valued at $100

Venue:      New Lynn

New Lynn Community Centre - Active Recreation Hall
45 Totora Avenue
New Lynn

Mangere Bridge - Wednesday 3rd April, 10:30am - 11:30am


Free - No trial pack but we will have nappies to give away

Venue:      Mangere  Bridge

Mangere Bridge Community Centre
Mangere Bridge School
2 Domain Road
Mangere Bridge

Howick - Friday 7th June, 10:30am - 12:30pm


$20.00 - Individual or couple - Includes 1 x Trial Pack Valued at $100

Venue:      Howick

Howick Rec Center
563 Pakuranga Road

Grey Lynn - Friday 7th June, 7:30pm - 9:30pm


$20.00 - Individual or couple - Includes 1 x Trial Pack Valued at $100

Venue:      Grey Lynn

Grey Lynn Community Center
510 Richmond Road
Grey Lynn

Waiheke Island - Saturday 8th June, 10:00am - 1:00pm


$20.00 - Individual or couple - Includes 1 x Trial Pack Valued at $100

Venue:      Waiheke Island

Waiheke High School
11 Donald Bruce Road
Waiheke Island

Hamilton Nappy Lady Workshops

There are limited spaces at each workshop so don't miss out and grab your ticket today.

Cost: $20.00 - Individual or couple - Includes 1 x Trial Pack Valued at $50

Dates for 2013:

3rd April 4:00 - 6:00pm - Cloth Nappy Week    

28th June 6:00 - 8:00pm      
22nd November 6:00 - 8:00pm                     


River Ridge Birthing centre
35 Von Tempsky Street,
New Zealand

Tauranga Nappy Lady Workshops

There are limited spaces at each workshop so don't miss out and grab your ticket today.

Cost: $20.00 - Individual or couple - Includes 1 x Trial Pack Valued at $50

Dates and Venues for 2013:

Thursday 14th March - 6.30pm to 8.30pm

In the Theatre
The Historic Village
17th Ave West

Tuesday 11th June - 10:00am - 12:00pm

Grindz Cafe
1st Ave

Friday 6th September - 6.30pm to 8.30pm

Papamoa Library & Community Center
15 Gravatt Road

Kawerau - Nappy Lady Scheme

Kawerau Parents can get Cloth Nappies for only $15 each

Parents in the Kawerau area can head along to the council front desk and purchase cloth nappies for just $15 each (valued at $35 - $40)

All you need to do is bring along a current bill with your current address on it.

There is no restriction on the number of nappies you can buy for your baby. What a great incentive to get started using cloth nappies.  Grandparents are welcome to buy them for their grandchildren too.

Palmerston North Nappy Lady Workshops

There are limited spaces at each workshop so don't miss out and grab your ticket today.

Cost: $20.00 - Individual or couple - Includes 1 x Trial Pack Valued at $60

Dates for 2013:

Thursday 14 February 2013 - 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Saturday 18 May 2013 - 10am - 12 noon

Venue: The Sound and Vision Zone
Central Library
4 The Square
Palmerston North

Masterton Nappy Lady Workshops

Cost: FREE

Dates and Venue for 2013:

Wednesday 13th February 2013 - 5:30pm - 7:30pm

Wairarapa Community Centre
41 Perry St

Thursday 14th February 2013 - 9:30am - 11:00am

Frank Cody Lounge
Town Hall
22 Perry St

For more information: Contact Donna or Frances on 06 377 5476

Wellington Nappy Lady Workshops

The Nappy Lady is coming to Wellington thanks to Pea Pod's, Bambino Mio and NappyDays who have donated me some nappies and Southern cross garden bar and cafe who are supplying the venue for the workshop as well.

There are limited spaces at this workshop so don't miss out and grab your ticket today.

Cost: $20.00 - Individual or couple - Includes 1 x Trial Pack Valued at $40

Date and Venue for 2013:

Saturday 9th March 2013 - 10:00am - 11:30am

The Southern Cross Garden bar and Restaurant
39 Abel Smith Street
Te Aro

Hutt City Nappy Lady Workshops

Cost: $5.00 - For a Cloth Nappy Trial Pack valued at $40

Dates for 2013:

Saturday April 6th - A Cloth Nappy Week Promotion - 10:00am - 11:30am

Avalon Pavillion
Taita Drive

Dunedin Nappy Lady Workshops

There are limited spaces at each workshop so don't miss out and grab your ticket today.

Cost: $20.00 - Individual or couple - Includes 1 x Trial Pack Valued at $100

Dates and Venue for 2013:
Saturday 2nd March 2013 - 11.30am to 1:30pm

Saturday 28th September 2013 - 11.30am to 1:30pm


The Dunningham Suite
Level 4
Dunedin Library

TO BOOK: Phone Dunedin Council Customer Services on 03 477 4000 or email to book your place

Oamaru Nappy Lady Scheme

Becoming a new parent can be stressful (and expensive),so the Council wanted to make getting started with cloth nappies as easy as possible. That's why they are providing cloth nappy starter packs for new parents for just $10. These packs would normally retail for around $100!

Each cloth nappy starter pack contains 4 modern cloth nappies from 4 different suppliers.  For only $10. You get around $100 worth of nappies.

For more information or to apply check it out here:

Description: Nappies PDF

Description: Nappy Application Leaflet PDF

Queenstown & Wanaka Happy Nappy Scheme 2013

Local mums and dads can get $170 worth of nappies and samples for $20

The Nappy Lady is Coming to Queenstown and Wanaka in February  to launch this years Cloth Nappy Scheme for 2013

We will be having two coffee groups as launch events for the mums, dads, babies, grandmas, midwives and anyone who is interested to come along to.

After the coffee groups,  Queenstown & Wanaka parents can pay just $20 at customer services at the council and they will receive a pack of cloth nappies with 4 birth to potty sized nappies in it from a range of my sponsors and lots of discount vouchers, information, and free samples valued at over $170

Queenstown Coffee Group:    Thursday 28th February at 2:00pm  - @ Queenstown Resort College café

Wanaka Coffee Group:            Friday 1st March at 2:00pm - @ The Lake Armstrong Room, Lake Wanaka Centre

For more information about any of the workshops or initiatives above or if you would like posters or fliers to promote the events for your organization or if you require more information, please email me  'The Nappy Lady' or call (027) 22 11 242

Most workshops can be booked online at unless otherwise stated.

Thanks so much!
Kate Meads

The Nappy Lady

Phone (07) 213 0767

Cell Phone: (027) 22 11 242

Join me on FACEBOOK

Is there a nappy scheme available close to you?  Check out my workshops for 2013 : (keep coming back, it is updated all the time)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Lower Hutt Workshop

Want to try Cloth Nappies?

The Nappy Lady is coming to Lower Hutt during Cloth Nappy Week

Come along to one of the Nappy Lady workshops and learn all about your nappy options and how you can save lots of money.

The best news... you will get to take home a Cloth Nappy trial pack for just $5 from the Nappy Lady and your local council.

At the Nappy workshop The Nappy Lady will:
- Give you costings of Disposable vs Cloth nappies
- Show the environmental impact of both
- show the styles of cloth nappy styles available
- Give you lots of tips and advice on washing
- And advice on choosing and using cloth nappies

Cost: $5 for a cloth nappy trial pack

Please note if you have already been to a workshop and received your free nappy, you will not be eligible for another nappy pack. However you are welcome to come along to the workshop and be in to win the prizes from the Cloth Nappy Week Team.

To Book:

Email 'The Nappy Lady' or call (027) 22 11 242 for more information.

You are welcome to bring along your babies if they are breast feeding to the workshop. But please be mindful if they are crying or upset that there are a lot of other people at the workshop so you will need to take them out and settle them and then come back in.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wellington Nappy Lady Workshops

The Nappy Lady - Kate Meads

Want Free Nappies???

The Nappy Lady is coming to Wellington thanks to Pea Pod's,Bambino Mio and NappyDays who have given some nappies and Southern cross who are supplying the venue for the workshop as well.

I have had a huge number of mums wanting to come to a workshop so I expect the spaces will fill quire fast.

Come along to one of the Nappy Lady workshops and learn all about your nappy options and how you can save lots of money.

The best will get to take home a $40 trial pack of cloth nappies for free from the Nappy Lady and my sponsors

At the Nappy workshop The Nappy Lady will:
- Give you costings of Disposable vs Cloth nappies
- Show the environmental impact of both
- show the styles of cloth nappy styles available
- Give you lots of tips and advice on washing
- And advice on choosing and using cloth nappies

There are limited spaces at each workshop so don't miss out and grab your ticket today.

Cost: $20 per couple or parent attending on their own.

Please note that if you book through Event Finder there is a $2 booking fee for your credit card so the cost will be $22.00. If you would prefer to buy using online banking, please use the form at the bottom of my workshop page on my website ( and follow the directions for payment. Once the payment shows in my account, I will send you out a ticket to bring along.

Date and Venue for 2013:

Saturday 9Th March 2013 - 10:00am - 11:30am
The Southern Cross Garden bar and Restaurant
39 Abel Smith Street
Te Aro

Email 'The Nappy Lady' or call (027) 22 11 242 for more information.

You are welcome to bring along your babies if they are breast feeding to the workshop. But please be mindful if they are crying or upset that there are a lot of other people at the workshop so you will need to take them out and settle them and then come back in.

Palmerston North Mums can get nappies for free

Palmerston North Nappy Lady Workshops

Taken by:
The Nappy Lady - Kate Meads
Want Free Nappies???

The Nappy Lady will be running 2 Waste Free Parenting courses during the first 6 months of 2013!!
Come along to one of the Nappy Lady workshops and learn all about your nappy options and how you can save lots of money.

The best will get to take home an $80 trial pack of cloth nappies for free from the Nappy Lady and your local council

At the Nappy workshop The Nappy Lady will:
- Give you costings of Disposable vs Cloth nappies
- Show the environmental impact of both
- show the styles of cloth nappy styles available
- Give you lots of tips and advice on washing
- And advice on choosing and using cloth nappies

There are limited spaces at each workshop so don't miss out and grab your ticket today.

Cost: $20 per couple or parent attending on their own.

Please note that if you book through Event Finder there is a $2 booking fee for your credit card so the cost will be $22.00.  If you would prefer to buy using online banking, please use the form at the bottom of the page or (Click here) and follow the directions for payment.  Once the payment shows in my account, I will send you out a ticket to bring along.
Dates and Venue for 2013:

Thursday 14 February 2013 - 6:30pm - 8:30pm
The Sound and Vision Zone
Central Library
4 The Square
Palmerston North
Buy Tickets Now

Saturday 18 May 2013 - 10am - 12 noon
The Sound and Vision Zone
Central Library
4 The Square
Palmerston North
Buy Tickets Now
Email 'The Nappy Lady' or call (027) 22 11 242 for more information.
You are welcome to bring along your babies if they are breast feeding to the workshop. But please be mindful if they are crying or upset that there are a lot of other people at the workshop so you will need to take them out and settle them and then come back in.

Keep up to date with The Nappy Lady at

Posters for nappy workshops 2013

Masterton Nappy Lady Workshops

Masterton Nappy Lady Workshops

Taken by:
The Nappy Lady - Kate Meads
Want Free Nappies???
The Nappy Lady will be running 2 Waste Free Parenting courses in Masterton!!
Come along to one of the Nappy Lady workshops and learn all about your nappy options and how you can save lots of money.
The best will get to take home a cloth nappy trial pack for free
At the Nappy workshop The Nappy Lady will:
- Give you costings of Disposable vs Cloth nappies
- Show the environmental impact of both
- show the styles of cloth nappy styles available
- Give you lots of tips and advice on washing
- And advice on choosing and using cloth nappies
Cost: FREE
Dates and Venue for 2013:

Wednesday 13th February 2013 - 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Wairarapa Community Centre
41 Perry St
Thursday 14th February 2013 - 9:30am - 11:00am
Frank Cody Lounge
Town Hall
22 Perry St
For more information: Contact Donna or Frances on 06 377 5476
Keep up to date with The Nappy Lady at

Monday, January 14, 2013

Tauranga Nappy Lady Workshop

Taken by:
The Nappy Lady - Kate Meads

Want Free Nappies???

Come along to one of the Nappy Lady workshops and learn all about your nappy options and how you can save lots of money.

The best will get to take home a trial pack of cloth nappies for free from the Nappy Lady and Tauranga City Council

At the Nappy workshop The Nappy Lady will:
- Give you costings of Disposable vs Cloth nappies
- Show the environmental impact of both
- show the styles of cloth nappy styles available
- Give you lots of tips and advice on washing
- And advice on choosing and using cloth nappies

Bookings Essential!

There are limited spaces at each workshop so don't miss out and grab your ticket today.

Cost: $20 per couple or parent attending on their own.

Please note that if you book through Event Finder there is a $2 booking fee for your credit card so the cost will be $22.00. If you would prefer to buy using online banking, please use the form at the bottom of the page or (Click here) and follow the directions for payment. Once the payment shows in my account, I will send you out a ticket to bring along over the next few days.

Thursday 14th March - 6.30pm to 8.30pm

In the Theatre
The Historic Village
17th Ave West

Taken by:
The Nappy Lady - Kate Meads

Want Free Nappies???

Come along to one of the Nappy Lady workshops and learn all about your nappy options and how you can save lots of money.

The best will get to take home a trial pack of cloth nappies for free from the Nappy Lady and Tauranga City Council

At the Nappy workshop The Nappy Lady will:
- Give you costings of Disposable vs Cloth nappies
- Show the environmental impact of both
- show the styles of cloth nappy styles available
- Give you lots of tips and advice on washing
- And advice on choosing and using cloth nappies

Bookings Essential!

There are limited spaces at each workshop so don't miss out and grab your ticket today.

Cost: $20 per couple or parent attending on their own.

Please note that if you book through Event Finder there is a $2 booking fee for your credit card so the cost will be $22.00. If you would prefer to buy using online banking, please use the form at the bottom of the page or (Click here) and follow the directions for payment. Once the payment shows in my account, I will send you out a ticket to bring along over the next few days.

Thursday 14th March - 6.30pm to 8.30pm
In the Theatre
The Historic Village
17th Ave West

More Dates late this year:

Tuesday 11th June - 10:00am - 12:00pm
Grindz Cafe
1st Ave

Friday 6th September - 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Papamoa Library & Community Center
15 Gravatt Road

Email 'The Nappy Lady' or call (027) 22 11 242 for more information.

You are welcome to bring along your babies if they are breast feeding to the workshop. But please be mindful if they are crying or upset that there are a lot of other people at the workshop so you will need to take them out and settle them and then come back in.

Email 'The Nappy Lady' or call (027) 22 11 242 for more information.

You are welcome to bring along your babies if they are breast feeding to the workshop. But please be mindful if they are crying or upset that there are a lot of other people at the workshop so you will need to take them out and settle them and then come back in.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dunedin Cloth Nappy Workshops Get Free Nappies!!!

Dunedin Nappy Lady Workshops

Taken by:
The Nappy Lady - Kate Meads
Want Free Nappies???

The Nappy Lady will be running 2 Waste Free Parenting courses during 2013!!

Come along to one of the Nappy Lady workshops and learn all about your nappy options and how you can save lots of money.

The best news.... you will get to take home a $100 pack of cloth nappies for free from the Nappy Lady and Dunedin District Council

At the Nappy workshop The Nappy Lady will:
Show you the modern nappy options
Explain how all of the different styles of nappies work
Help you choose the best nappy for your baby and budget
Give you helpful ways you can be more sustainable at home
$20.00 per couple or parent attending on their own
Dates and Venues for 2013

Saturday 2nd March 2013 - 11.30am to 1:30pm

Saturday 28th September 2013 - 11.30am to 1:30pm
The Dunningham Suite
Level 4
Dunedin Library
You are welcome to bring along your babies if they are breastfeeding to the workshop and your partner, or perhaps your mum.
Bookings are essential - spaces are limited.
TO BOOK: Phone Dunedin Council Customer Services on 03 477 4000 or email to book your place

Auckland Nappy Workshops - Devonport

Taken by:
The Nappy Lady - Kate Meads

Want Free Nappies???

Come along to one of the Nappy Lady workshops and learn all about your nappy options and how you can save lots of money.

The best news... you will get to take home a $100 pack of cloth nappies for free!

At the Nappy workshop The Nappy Lady will:
- Give you costings of Disposable vs Cloth nappies
- Show the environmental impact of both
- show the styles of cloth nappy styles available
- Give you lots of tips and advice on washing
- And advice on choosing and using cloth nappies

Please note that if you book through Event Finder there is a $2 booking fee for your credit card. If you would prefer to buy using online banking, please use the form on my website: and follow the directions for payment. Once the payment shows in my account, I will send you out a ticket to bring along.


Saturday 23 February, 12:00pm – 2:00pm


$20.00 - Individual or couple - Includes 1 x Trial Pack Valued at $100

Devonport Community House
32 Clarence Street

BOOK NOW: or online

Or through my website here:

Email 'The Nappy Lady' or call (027) 22 11 242 for more information.

You are welcome to bring along your babies if they are breast feeding to the workshop. But please be mindful if they are crying or upset that there are a lot of other people at the workshop so you will need to take them out and settle them and then come back in.

Auckland Nappy Lady Workshops - Get $100 worth of nappies for free

Auckland Nappy Lady Workshops

Taken by:
The Nappy Lady - Kate Meads

Want Free Nappies???

Come along to one of the Nappy Lady workshops and learn all about your nappy options and how you can save lots of money.

The best news... you will get to take home a $100 pack of cloth nappies for free!

At the Nappy workshop The Nappy Lady will:
- Give you costings of Disposable vs Cloth nappies
- Show the environmental impact of both
- show the styles of cloth nappy styles available
- Give you lots of tips and advice on washing
- And advice on choosing and using cloth nappies

Please note that if you book through Event Finder there is a $2 booking fee for your credit card. If you would prefer to buy using online banking, please use this form ( and follow the directions for payment. Once the payment shows in my account, I will send you out a ticket to bring along.

Thursday 21 February 2013
7:30pm – 9:30pm (Supper Provided by Parents Centre in Manukau)


$25.00 - Individual, Includes 1 Trial Pack valued at $100 and Supper for 1

$30.00 - Couple, includes 1 Trial Pack valued at $100 and Supper for 2

Taha Wahia-Woodside
68 Everglade Drive
Manukau City CBD

BOOK NOW: or online 

Or through my website here:

Email 'The Nappy Lady' or call (027) 22 11 242 for more information.

You are welcome to bring along your babies if they are breast feeding to the workshop. But please be mindful if they are crying or upset that there are a lot of other people at the workshop so you will need to take them out and settle them and then come back in.