Friday, February 3, 2012

An Offer from one of my sponsors

Toilet Training Tips From My Friends @ Weepals

I asked my friends at WeePals to send me some toilet training tips to share.... I used these for my son and found them fantastic because when we started out with the ping pong ball it keep disappearing out of the toilet...Where as the weepals lasted months!!

Toilet Training Hints

It is always an exciting time to think that your ‘baby’ is moving onto the next stage of becoming more independent, and finally fewer nappies for you to change.
Here are some things that have worked well for many parents that have made toilet training fun and a less stressful time.

Start when your child shows signs of readiness

Many parents fall into the trap of starting too early. Every child is different; don’t be forced into toilet training too early because others in your coffee group or friends are doing it. You may find that your child may not be physically or emotionally ready to be toilet trained. This could end up taking longer to be fully trained throughout the day.

Other parents have waited until their children were a little older, and had the language skills to tell them when they had filled or soiled their nappy. This meant they were considerably quicker at being toilet trained.

Potty Vs Toilet

A potty can be a great place to start as it is very portable. Many parents have commented on how they would be outside with their little one with no nappy on, while he or she played. When they started to wee, they got the sensation of it running down their leg, and they could be quickly placed on the potty to complete their business. Of course with lots of clapping and high fives when they finally do something in the potty!

Puddles on the floor

‘Little accidents’ and puddles on the floor are all part of it, and as hard as it is at times, you just need to stay positive and keep persevering. Sometimes these accidents happen due to the kids being too preoccupied playing and not wanting to be interrupted to go to the toilet. A suggestion around this is to take your child to the toilet or potty every hour to see if they need to go, if you go to the toilet and they come with you, sit them on the toilet and talk to them about what is happening.

A great idea can be to reward them whenever they had a success on the potty or toilet.


When making the big decision to begin toilet training, you also need to take into consideration what else is happening within family life and your child’s life. We wouldn't recommend starting toilet training if your child was starting a new playgroup, you were moving house, and there is an illness in the family or a new baby or the way or just arrived in the house. These would all add more stress to everyone which could delay the success of toilet training.

Weepals Toilet Training and Aiming Stickers offer a reward for every user when a fun character appears with each wet warm accurate hit on the potty or in the toilet. Once the toilet is flushed or potty is rinsed the image disappears ready for next time. Weepals can be placed at the bottom of the potty, back or the front of the toilet to suit your child’s needs. Weepals are designed for boys and girls of all ages.

We wish you luck as you start on your journey of toilet training and I know the use of Weepals Toilet Training and Aiming stickers will make it a FUN and ENJOYABLE experience for the whole family!!