Why PORSE In-Home Childcare and
When your family chooses in-home childcare and education, you offer
your child an opportunity to have the best start in life.
In-home childcare and education through PORSE offers your child an
alternative to the stress, noise, age-separation, schedules, and staff turnover
of a centre.
Research consistently shows us that children who have secure and
loving relationships with consistent caregivers in a relaxed and settled environment
do best. While each child is different,
recent studies show that children in childcare centres experience heightened
stress levels in large groups of children and when they are with unfamiliar or
changing caregivers.
Infant brain development and attachment repeatedly tell us that the
QUALITY of the relationship they have with their caregivers is the most
important thing.
Through PORSE in-home childcare and education your child receives:
Consistency and commitment to you and your child
Consistency and commitment to you and your child
At PORSE we offer a consistent and
committed educator who is able to respond to your child's needs and routine not
the needs of running a busy daycare centre.
Safety and security in a settled home environment
PORSE In-home childcare and education is
provided in a safe home environment that enables familiarity and stability
while using natural play and exploration and the community as a learning
Low ratios of care
PORSE In-home childcare and education
provides a maximum of FOUR children in the home which means high levels of
personal attention, knowledge and interaction, with less exposure to illness.
Flexibility and responsiveness
PORSE In-home childcare fits with what
you want for your child - you choose a caregiver who fits both your child’s needs
and your family values, and at PORSE we're flexible around the hours of care
you require.
A lifetime of quality relationships
The quality of the relationships we have
in our early years are one of the key features that influence us for the rest
of our lives - our sense of ourselves and our relationships with others. PORSE
is providing a service solution to reach, immerse and support adults raise the
next generation of responsible, resilient, competent and contributing members
of society.
The best start for learning and developing
PORSE In-home childcare and education
through a settled home environment is crucial for unfolding a child's full
potential during the critical stages of early brain development. PORSE has
returned the responsibilities of nurturing young children back into the hands
of family and home.
and professional
PORSE has established career pathways for
educators and parents to develop child focused attitudes, skills and knowledge
that will nurture young children for the best start in life.
strong on professional development and our in-home programmes support adults
learn more about themselves, attachment relationships and how to nurture
children during the most important years of play, learning and development.
With the support of PORSE staff, educators work with the family to plan and deliver a
programme around each child’s interests, stage of development and care
child's programme will reflect the values and expectations of your family and
support their individual learning style, care needs, routines and play.
organises a variety of activities using the community as our third
teacher. Activities promote friendship
and fun, role modelling, observation, reflection of practices, confidence and
sharing of information, resources and knowledge. Parents are welcome to attend
all organised activities.
more information on PORSE In-Home Childcare call 0800 023 456 or visit
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