Friday, March 19, 2010

Lifes just too short!

Last Friday, I heard that one of our friends had been flown to Starship with her youngest child. He had been diagnosed as having a brain tumour and is only 2 years old!

This was certainly an eye opener as to how precious every moment is! It also makes you have a good hard look at what is important in life...

Every morning this week I woke up, spent time with my best girl friend doing Zumba and walking our dogs. This morning she told me that her brother, who was admitted to hospital 2 days ago, has cancer and it is not looking very good for him. Once again another person close to us is in a tragic situation and there is nothing anyone can do about it but offer love and support.

I have realised this week that I dont tell my friends and family how much I love them and appretiate them as often as I should. I also realised that I really have nothing to complain about. I would be better off supporting and helping those who do.

Too often we seem to just complain about all the crappy things our families do and what a pain in the butt some people are and how hard it is for us. Where in reality we probably really have nothing to complain about, especailly if our kids, partners, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and friends are all healthy.

Does it really matter if your husband leaves his dirty socks on the floor for the millionth time? It really isnt that bigger deal .... sometimes it feels like it is but a reality check tells you it really doesnt is too short to worry about it!